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Behavior Disorders
Behavior disordered children typically show a consistent pattern of refusing to follow commands or requests by adults. These children repeatedly lose their temper, argue with adults, and refuse to comply with rules and directions. They are easily annoyed and blame others for their mistakes.These children show a pattern of stubbornness and frequently test limits, even in early childhood. These children are often described as having what is known as Oppositional Defiant Disorder or a Disruptive Behavior Disorder.
These children can be manipulative and often induce discord in those around them. Commonly they turn attention away from themselves by inciting parents and other family members to fight with one and other.
Behavioral Symptoms
Normal children occasionally have episodes of defiant behavior, particularly during ages of transition such as 2 to 3 or the teenage years where the child uses defiance in an attempt to assert himself. Children who are tired, hungry, or upset may be defiant. Disordered behavior is a matter of degree and frequency. Children with clinically significant behavior problems display difficult behavior to the extent that it can interfere with learning, school adjustment, and, sometimes, with the child's social relationships.​
What We Do
Research shows that behavioral difficulties affect a child’s classroom learning, social relationships with peers, and overall family functioning. Our clinicians provide a functional behavioral assessment which describes the challenging behaviors in specific, measurable terms and identifies the factors that reinforce the behaviors.
It incorporates information related to the child's functioning at home, school, and in the community.
Formal, standardized rating scales are utilized in conjunction with interview, observation, and testing.
Potential Benefits
Once the factors that reinforce the challenging behavior are identified, a behavioral plan will be developed that outlines intervention strategies to minimize the frequency of inappropriate behaviors and to encourage more positive behaviors.
If a behavioral disorder is diagnosed, therapy services are available.​
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